My name is Yelena, 41 and just like all the women in the world I want to have an amazing body and eat my favorite ice cream every day (just kidding). My story probably will sound familiar to a lot of people who have been straggling with the weigh for a very long time, you lose some, you gain some and the yoyo will continue for years. I was relevantly skinny as a child and a teenager, but at the age of 21 I was diagnosed with the PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and weight just started to creep up. For a very long time I was in denial and keep telling myself that size 14 is absolutely normal size for the woman of my age, until I would go out and notice that most of the women wearing tight short dresses and look amazing. I can’t even remember how many times I have joint the gym and was trying to eat healthy but unfortunately would go back to my all habits skipping classes and eating unhealthy meals. I would have a thousand excuses for myself, Oh I hate cardio is so boring, or stare at the salad and still order mash potato with steak. At the age of 40 I gave birth to my amazing daughter and gained even more weight. Luckily I consider myself attractive woman and always tell myself I look good, but there is that little voice in my head that tells me that I can look so much better.
Well I think everybody reaches a point in their life when they are just ready to change. My sister was training with Anna already for about one month and was extremely happy with her results. Yana is a very big support system in my life and she just asked me a question “Are you planning to be overweight all your life or you finally will do something about it?” Next day I came to work out with her. What can I say it was the hardest 10 minutes of my life because that’s how much I lasted, Just don’t give up my sister said, it will get better and it did. I also completely changed the way I eat. I am not going to lie it was not easy at first to give up so many things that I love for example: white bread, potatoes, mayo, dumplings and the list can go on for about 2 pages [Symbol]. The most amazing things that I found a lot of new and healthy products that I truly enjoy this days. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, plain yogurt with honey and nuts, and so on. For the first time in my life I can run!!!!! I am not running for a very long time and still walk more during cardio, but I can’t even remember the last time I did that. It has been 2 month since I am working out with Anna and eating much healthier. So far I have lost 18lb and 2 dress sizes. Anna is an amazing trainer, exercises that we do are so much fun and so different every work out. She is very tuff when she needs to be, but on the other hand the biggest sweet heart I have ever met. Thank you very much Yana and Anna for changing my life and my point of view on healthy life style. To all women and men out there who struggle with their weight don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, you have nothing to lose but the weight. All you need is to find that right personal trainer who will just hold your hand and lead you to your success.