I am a 36 years old mother of two. In addition to that I am in sales so to say that my schedule is hectic is an understatement. I have always been lucky through my teens and 20ties since I have always been skinny. My metabolism has been great, I could eat like a horse, at midnight, whenever and I never got ANY weight. I wasn’t even what you call skinny-fat because I was pretty fit, size 2, 5’8 with flat stomach…
Then in my late 20nties things started to change. But slightly so I never considered joining the gym or anything. At 29 I got pregnant with my son. I had a great pregnancy and only gained 20 lbs. *from 125 to 145*. I bounced back pretty quickly but I did inherit a little belly that I hated. I also for the first time in my life decided to get on birth control and it didn’t work out well at all. I became about 146lbs, size 6, but for me it was a true disaster. I had to do something. I started giving up carbs, late night sandwiches, pasta and all the things we all dear. I also realized that I had to start to exercise. My husband who was a workout junkie at the time was very supportive and I wanted to kill myself. I HATE SPORTS! Any type of sports. When I was a kid I did everything in my power to avoid PE. I started with gymnastics but ended up quitting and finishing music school. But, I had to do something, my love handles were out of control. I ordered Insanity. It’s hard being your own motivator but I did it and got back to my own self – almost. And then – ta da – I was pregnant with my second child. I still gained only 12 lbs *mind you, my kids are both 8 lbs and 2-3 weeks early) but I have made the same mistake – tried birth control again.
Since my daughter was born I have been on an off – I tried Insanity but couldn’t keep up with it because as we all know – life happens, and I just couldn’t commit.

I did do something good though – I completely changed the way my family eats. I am totally into Organic food but in addition to that I found a way to enjoy my food – I look up different recipes, create my own sauces, I learned to cook a lot of fish, veggies and it definitely turned my life around. But – I still needed a good boost. I told my husband I wanted to try something new. I told him I heard about this trainer and I wanted to give it a try. I knew it was an investment but he was totally behind me. Since I am in sales – I decided – I did it. I met Anna the next day and we hit it off. She has a perfect balance between being tough but to not overdue it. During workouts we laugh and have a good time but we get everything done.
It’s been about 4 months and I work out religiously with Anna 3 times a week. I supplement with Insanity or running 1-2 times a week. Since I started working out I went back to my size 2, I almost lost my stomach and I am a lot stronger. Having a trainer really motivates you. And like I said – I have 2 kids, 6 and 4, I have a busy work schedule (which includes traveling) and I still find a way to do it. In fact, I don’t think I can be without it. I went from someone who thought gym and weights is from the horror movies to understanding how important it is for my health and my lifestyle. In fact, my sister who has been overweight most of her life has joined me on this journey and I haven’t been more proud.
I always thought you need to weight 120 lbs to look great well now I weight 140 lbs (I don’t lose lbs, but I lose inches, I built a lot of muscle and I don’t mind at all). I am in better shape than I was when I was 25 years old. I look a lot younger, I feel a lot better, and I encourage anyone to invest in themselves weather it’s time, money or both. You won’t regret it! P.S. I still cheat and still have a glass of wine, have a piece of cake or a very tasty potato (VERY RARELY) but when you work out all the time it’s not that bad!